Research Article
Impacts of Social Media on Academic Performance and Mental Health of Alzaiem Alazhari University Medical Students (Nov 2020 - June 2021)
Altayeb Abayazeed Altayeb Yusuf,
Mustafa Magbol*,
Alsanosi Mohammed Hafez Adam,
Al-anood Hussein Rakhis Al-Zaben,
Wisal Omer
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
5 February 2024
22 March 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: Introduction: Social media is a network of websites and applications that enables individuals to converse with each other. With billions of people using, it worldwide. Social media overuse is quite common among university students. Which has been linked to mental health issues and it is negative effect on emotional wellbeing. Also, it affects the academic performance either positively or negatively. This study aims to determine the correlation between social media usage and academic performance and its impacts on mental health on undergraduate medical students of Alzaeim Alazhari University. Objectives: This study aimed to identify the impacts of social media using on academic performance and mental health of undergraduate medical students of Alzaeim Alazhari University students. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study, during the period from November 2020 to June 2021. on medical students of Alzaeim Alazhari University in Khartoum, Sudan. The total population of his study was 280 By Stratified random sampling technique, according to their academic year then the sample selected randomly from each stratum. The data was collected by using electronic structured questionnaire by google form. SPSS version 24 was used to analyze the collected data. Result: All the study population was used social media and the most common program used by students was whatsapp then youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram and telegram in order. The majority of students spend more than 4 hours daily on social media however 79.6% use it for recreational purposes and just 14%for academic purposes. Also 73.6% their academic performance was affected. 51.8% negatively affected and 78.3% their mental health negatively affected. 55% of sample member need less than half an hour to sleep. Conclusion & recommendation: the study showed the negative impact of social media had higher compared to positive impact academically and mentally so the faculty should consider that the students need more awareness and advices about appropriate usage of social and positive aspect of social media should be improved also students should be learned how to manage their time on social media. So, we encourage the establishment workshops and conferences about social media problems.
Abstract: Introduction: Social media is a network of websites and applications that enables individuals to converse with each other. With billions of people using, it worldwide. Social media overuse is quite common among university students. Which has been linked to mental health issues and it is negative effect on emotional wellbeing. Also, it affects the a...
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Research Article
Burnout in Surgeons from a Tertiary Public University Hospital
Maria Luiza Costa*
Walter Villela de Andrade Vicente
Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2024
29 February 2024
2 April 2024
10 May 2024
Abstract: Surgeon burnout has been attracting worldwide attention. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate for both Burnout Syndrome (BS) and burnout evidence and to identify burnout risk factors in surgeons from a high-complexity academic medical center, in Brazil. A dichotomized socio-demographic questionnaire and the MBI-HSS questionnaire were employed. Data collection was conducted on a personal computer REDCap program. The MBI-HSS Latent profile analysis (LPA) was used. The BS rate corresponded to the LPA Burnout class rate. The burnout evidence prevalence rate was equivalent to the sum of all five LPA classes, except for the Engagement one. The univariate Fisher's exact test was used for intra and inter class burnout risk factor investigation. A p value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Among the 77 surgeons analyzed, the BS prevalence rate was 6%. The burnout evidence prevalence rate was 31.1%. Almost half (41.6%) of the respondents could not be classed in any of the 5 LPA profiles. There were no significant differences between the surgeons presenting with burnout evidence and the engaged ones. No burnout risk factor could be detected, but less surgical workload (days/wk.) and full-time job regime both accentuated burnout levels in the personal accomplishment LPA dimension.
Abstract: Surgeon burnout has been attracting worldwide attention. This study aimed to determine the prevalence rate for both Burnout Syndrome (BS) and burnout evidence and to identify burnout risk factors in surgeons from a high-complexity academic medical center, in Brazil. A dichotomized socio-demographic questionnaire and the MBI-HSS questionnaire were e...
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